Path of Information
Traditional media is considered to be unidirectional where all the information is passed in one direction from the author to the audience, it is then consumed unaltered. Television and print send information from the creator straight to the audience without changes being made in between.

New, digital media is seen as more fluid in its path with no predefined path for the information to take it may be passed around with several alterations and improvements being made on the way before it reaches the end consumer.
Open Source
Open Source Software (OSS) is computer software that holds a license that permits users to study, change, and improve the program through its source code. Because of the ability for the audience to improve the program as they use it, it encourages a fluid path in which the software continuously develops through different sources before it reaches its final form.

Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS or FLOSS) is software that is liberally licensed to grant the users the right to study, use, change and improve its design through the availability of its source code. 'Free' refers to the freedom to copy and reuse the software, rather than its pricing.
Gnome is open source desktop environment that can be used in the UNIX operating system.

"Over 3500 people have contributed changes to the project’s code repositories, including the employees of 106 companies."
-GNOME website