HTML (hyper text mark-up language) was designed in 1990, primarily, to provide a language for describing information as elements, known as tags; < img >, which can be read by a browser and displayed as a page of visible and audible content. HTML5 was published in 2008 and is currently the most recent variation of the HTMLanguage for the web.

The website was created by Adobe to showcase some of the features of html5 that were previously unavailable to the web. Many of these new features show some form of interactivity that can be included into web pages.

Keyframe animation (same method as in Flash) can be added to HTML content. The animations can be made with interactive elements that will have various outcomes.
Our Solar System
This web page has an animation of the solar system which, when certain parts are clicked will display new information.
Allow for the creation of simple transformations of an HTML element without the use of JavaScript.
Context-Specific Layout
The use of Media Queries, enables the creator of a web page to include content that has a position on the page that is not fixed. This allows the information to be presented in an arrangement that is best suited to the dimensions of the users browsers.
HTML5 allows embedding of videos directly into a webpage which allows the video to fit in and be layered into the format of the page.

Honda, The Experiment
Users arrange the pop-up windows in order, if the positioning is correct the videos will play in sequence, allowing progression to the next level.
Nike Better World
As the audience scrolls down the images layer on top of one another rather than shifting of the screen.